Research technician
Saskia Nugteren
My projects focus on the topics of autoimmunity and anti-cancer therapies. In my research project about autoimmunity we focus on the production of monoclonal (auto)antibodies targeting different proteins of the complement system. We make these monoclonal antibodies by using hybridoma technology and phage-display technology. In my research project about anti-cancer therapies we focus on inhibiting complement regulators, specifically on tumor cells, in order to develop a targeted anti-cancer therapy that optimally utilizes complement as an effector mechanism.
Curriculum Vitae
From 2018 until 2022 I studied at the University of Applied Sciences in Leiden where I obtained my bachelor in Biology & Medical Laboratory Research. During my studies, I specialized on the topics of infections and immunology as I dedicated my minor to these topics. To continue in immunology, I did my 9 months research internship in the Complement & Antibodies group of Prof. Trouw. During this internship, I focused on unravelling the mechanisms that lead to the production of antibodies that bind to post-translationally modified proteins by looking into the co-ligation of the B-cell receptor. After finishing my internship in July 2022, I started working as a research technician in the Complement & Antibodies group from September 2022 onwards.