
The department of Immunology is actively involved in the various education activities of the LUMC with regards to immunology. This involves teaching activities within Medicine and Biomedical Sciences studies. The department offers internship opportunities for students of the discipline Medicine, Biomedical Sciences, Biopharmaceutical sciences and Laboratory education. Furthermore, a large number of PhD students are enrolled within the department.

Next to the abovementioned educational tasks the department organizes courses in immunology for PhD students and technicians in collaboration with the Leiden Institute for Immunology (LIFI). During the weekly organized Immunology Review Club (IRC) prominent immunologists present their scientific results.


The department is actively involved in organising the annual Leiden Oxford Transplantation Summerschool (LOTS) and in education innovation, like the Massive Open Online Course Clinical Kidney, Pancreas and Islet Transplantation on the Coursera platform.


Several symposia are organized by the department of Immunology, including the annual Jon J. van Rood Symposium.


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