Ward Vleeshouwers


Many physiological systems, including the immune system, are regulated by the 24-hour circadian clock. Little is known about the interplay between the circadian rhythm and antitumor immunity. My PhD project aims to investigate the role of the circadian clock in the response to cancer immunotherapies. I am specifically interested in the function of T cells, which are key components of antitumor immunity, within this context. My project is part of the BioClock consortium.


In 2019, I obtained a BSc degree (cum laude) in Molecular Life Sciences from Radboud University Nijmegen. I then joined the research Master program Molecular Mechanisms of Disease at Radboud University. During my Master studies, I performed internships at the Radboud Institute of Molecular Life Sciences in Nijmegen and Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm. I obtained my MSc degree (cum laude) in 2021 and joined the group of Ramon Arens as a PhD candidate in January 2022.

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