Ouassima Ahjar

O.Ahjar@lumc.nl +31 (0)71 526 3982


In March 2008 I started in the Transplant Immunology group as a technician. My main responsibilities are freezing of patient peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and serum for the LUMC Transplant Center Biobank. This includes proper administration of all the steps of the biobanking process. Samples from this biobank are used to answer transplant related questions after approval of the local Biobank Committee. Additionally, I am involved in assisting the HLA diagnostics laboratory to process and store samples needed for clinical diagnostics use.


Curriculum vitae

I studied laboratory sciences at the ROC Mondriaan in Delft, the Netherlands. After finishing my studies in 2001, I started working at Delft gelatin as a microbiology technician on chemical analytical projects. After three years I switched to Intertek Caleb Brett in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and worked as a chemical technician for four years.


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