Pieter van der Linden

Senior technician

Curriculum Vitae

I studied Medical Biology at the HLO (Hoger Laboratorium Onderwijs) Alkmaar, from which I graduated in 1995.  In 1996 I started as a laboratory technician at the Serology lab of the HLA Typing Laboratory. The LUMC was then known as AZL (Academisch Ziekenhuis Leiden). Typing techniques shifted from serology to DNA techniques in the new century. I helped to develop and maintain techniques such as SSP and RSSOP. In 2009 I became a ‘Leidinggevend analist’ (supervising technician) with different tasks. In association with to two other colleagues I now supervise the daily lab routine of the HLA typing laboratory. Other responsibilities that I have is to maintain contacts with applicants of HLA typing inside and outside the hospital and to check and authorize HLA typing results . From 2010 I joined our group of “Immunologist on call” who advise clinicians and Eurotransplant in organ allocation procedures.


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