Research technician
I work closely with our PhD candidates within the TiMaScan project where my work focuses on the identification of tissue and/or tumor specific peptides that can be used for flow cytometry-based detection of tumor recirculating macrophages in the peripheral blood of cancer patients. Identification of tumor specific peptides within the phagolysosomes of these cells will allow us to develop a minimally invasive tool for diagnosis and/or monitoring of cancer patients, and possibly also in other diseases.
I obtained a Master in Life Science & Technology in 2015 after finishing my studies at Leiden University. During this I did two master’s internships, one where I focused on identifying the ability of viral proteins to inhibit or promote DNA folding and storage in bacteria and the other where I focused on identifying, and characterizing the function of, a novel protein found in Clostridium difficile. After completing my studies I worked for ~1.5 years in a company that specialized in the breeding and cultivating of new Lilly species. Here I was responsible for keeping the laboratory up and running. In early 2017 I joined the Van Dongen group for the first time to work on the PERISCOPE project but after about 4.5 years that came to an end and I went on to try my hand working at the Hogeschool Leiden. Education, however, did not work out for me and due to several coincidences I have returned to work on the TiMaScan project within the Van Dongen group.
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