Xiaolin Meng


My PhD project aims to fill the significant gaps in knowledge on human T-cell development using a combination of state-of-the-art techniques. We will use mass cytometry to definition of new subpopulations. The new thymocyte subset definition will be used to create expression profiles by RNA-seq and a detailed view on TCR repertoire through single-cell DNA sequencing, collectively generating a development map at unprecedented detail. These results are relevant for improving thymic function in immune compromised individuals after transplantation, HIV infection, during ageing and due to genetic defects.


Curriculum Vitae

I completed my master in Jilin University , and studied in Prof. Guanghong Xie’s group for how to treat anti-immune rejection after transplantation. I am good at establishing rat transplantation model and doing some molecular experiments. After I received  my master degree, I worked in Ziyi Li’s group for a key project of China. From October 2019, I started my PhD in Prof. Frank Stall’s group, and focused on human T cell development.


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