
The Department of Immunology of Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) has a long-standing reputation in the international field under its former name Department of Immunohematology and Blood Transfusion (IHB). The LUMC is the medical faculty of Leiden University and it missions are patient care, research and teaching. The Department of Immunology combines diagnostics in transplantation and immune-related diseases with research in immunology. The research program ranges from fundamental biology to clinical translation and aims to improve diagnostics and treatment in immune-related diseases, including transplant rejection, immunodeficiency, autoimmunity and cancer. The Department houses one clinical diagnostics group and ten research groups with a total of about 150 employees.

Mission and vision

We are committed to perform cutting edge patient care, research and teaching and to enable these activities by curiosity-driven and clinic-driven laboratory and clinical research that is ambitious and of high scientific quality. We value Master students, PhD students and postdocs as potential drivers of innovation and experienced technicians and other support staff as guardians of quality and continuity of our work.  The academic staff members that lead the research and diagnostic groups are committed to fostering a collaborative, open culture to ensure good conduct, exchange of ideas and training. We aim to reach out to peers and the general public within and outside the organization at the national and international level to maximize the development and impact of our programs.


To teach and to develop and execute diagnostic- and research programs in line with our Mission and Vision. To achieve this goal we are committed to: 

  • Efficiently organize and execute governance-compliant clinical diagnostics, research and education 
  • Continuously monitor quality and impact of research projects and directions by internal and external peer review processes 
  • Coordinate and monitor the selection of talented permanent and temporary staff and provide adequate mentorship
  • Efficiently organize and execute governance-compliant Bachelor-, Master- and PhD student training and teaching 
  • Acquire, maintain and professionally use advanced instrumentation cutting-edge diagnostics and research 
  • Raise and maintain awareness of research integrity and Good Research Practice (GRP) and adhere to FAIR principles
  • Catalyze valorization of research findings 


Collaborate with us

Looking for information on one of our topics, a new place to conduct your research or connect to experienced researchers to join forces with?  Feel free to contact us!

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