About the Stem Cells and Lymphocyte Development Group

The Staal lab started as and still to some extend is a fundamental lab on stem cell biology and T cell development. We use advanced molecular and cellular (20+ color spectral flow cytometry) techniques and work with mouse genetics models as well as human cells from patients and healthy individuals. We are one of the few labs in the world that have made a transition to translational and clinical work, actually preparing for clinical trials. 

We will start the first clinical trial worldwide for RAG1 SCID, a type of SCID where gene therapy has proven to be extremely difficult in terms of efficacy. In this process we find patient participation of crucial importance, we therefore have as partners on our scientific grants patient advocacy groups such as IPOPI and the Dutch SAS. We have a large number of dissemination activities: lectures for lay audiences, interviews on radio, tv, newspapers, websites (www.recomb.eu), leaflets with information for patients, postgraduate courses taught for MDs and nurses. We organize days for patients, nurses nad patient advocacy groups. The PI helps the patient advocacy groups with annual meetings, lobby meeting at the European parliament in Brussels and at EMA.

The PI’s motto is that everybody in the lab, whether techs, PhD students or postdocs should work at their best level and have a sense of accomplishment in what they are doing. We have a very international lab, so we have to tailor the career programs and educational trajectories to their individual needs. Most people in the lab are not English native speakers, so learning English is often important for smooth day to day and scientific communication. For the PhD students, we try to provide them with knowledge and skills for their future career. We offer a variety of in-depth scientific and transferable skill courses to prepare you for their next step in their career, not only in academia but also in industry or governmental policy making. We also co-organize lectures and Summer Schools with other European Universities.


Collaborate with us

Looking for information on one of our topics, a new place to conduct your research or connect to experienced researchers to join forces with?  Feel free to contact us!

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