Professor - Group Leader

Career path
Jannie Borst obtained a Master degree in Biology with Chemistry at Leiden University in 1980. She did the major part of her PhD work at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School in Boston, under supervision of biochemist prof. Cox P. Terhorst. She obtained her PhD degree from Leiden University in 1985, with prof. Jon J. van Rood as promotor. In 1987, she started her independent career as research group leader at the Netherlands Cancer Institute, with the aid of a 5-year personal Huygens fellowship from The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. In 1992, she obtained a staff scientist position at the NKI-AVL and from 2002 to 2019, she has also been the head of the Division of Immunology at that institute. From 1999 to 2019, she was in addition professor in Experimental Oncology at the University of Amsterdam and coordinator of the Biomedical Master track Oncology. In January 2019, she has become the head of the Department of Immunology at Leiden University Medical Center and she continues her research line in this position.
de Kivit S, Mensink M, Kostidis S, Derks RJE, Zaal EA, Heijink M, Verleng LJ, de Vries E, Schrama E, Blomberg N, Berkers CR, Giera M, Borst J.
Cell Rep. 2024 Sep 24;43(9):114681
Mensink M, Verleng LJ, Schrama E, Janssen GM, Tjokrodirijo RT, van Veelen PA, Jiang Q, Pascutti MF, van der Hoorn ML, Eikmans M, de Kivit S, Borst J.
JCI Insight 9: e172942, 2024
Frijlink E, Bosma DM, Busselaar J, Battaglia TW, Staal MD, Verbrugge I, Borst J.
J. Clin. Invest. 134: e171154, 2024
Lei X, de Groot DC, Welters MJP, de Wit T, Schrama E, van Eenennaam H, Santegoets SJ, Oosenbrug T, van der Veen A, Vos JL, Zuur CL, de Miranda NFCC, Jacobs H, van der Burg SH, Borst J, Xiao Y.
Cell. Mol. Immunol. 21: 374-392, 2024
Lei X, Khatri I, de Wit T, de Rink I, Nieuwland M, Kerkhoven R, van Eenennaam H, Sun C, Garg AD, Borst J, Xiao Y.
Nat Commun. 14:217, 2023
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