Senior research technician
I like working in basic research as well as more translational research, with affinity for cellular work. I prefer using a broad range of techniques to tackle a research question from different angles, with an eye for new developments that can be useful for the lab and the project.
In the TiMaScan project I work on several functional assays with subsets of monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells from peripheral blood and cell lines using flow cytometry and fluorescent microscopy for readout. Furthermore, I worked on optimizing the isolation of the different monocyte, macrophage and dendritic cell subsets from peripheral blood. A lot of extensive experiments of this project are a joined group effort in which I really like participating.
I graduated from the HLO Delft specialization Biochemistry. I started working at the department of Immunology at the Erasmus MC (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) on epithelial cells and fibroblasts from human lung tissue using a broad range of techniques (IHC, cell culture, PCR). Subsequently I joined the research group of Prof. F. Staal and switched to more basic research on hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) and T cell development, employing a variety of techniques. I then moved, together with Prof. F. Staal’s group, to LUMC (Department of Immunology). I later went back to the Erasmus MC and joined the group of Prof. dr. Jacques J.M. van Dongen to work on the monocyte/macrophage TiMaScan project. With this research group, in 2016, I moved again to the LUMC.
Famili F, Perez LG, Naber BA, Noordermeer JN, Fradkin LG, Staal FJ.
Cell Death Dis. 2016 Nov 24;7(11):e2479.
Luis TC, Naber BA, Roozen PP, Brugman MH, de Haas EF, Ghazvini M, Fibbe WE, van Dongen JJ, Fodde R, Staal FJ.
Cell Stem Cell. 2011 Oct 4;9(4):345-56.
Luis TC, Naber BA, Fibbe WE, van Dongen JJ, Staal FJ.
Blood. 2010 Jul 22;116(3):496-7.
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