Gita Naber

Senior research technician


I like working in basic research as well as more translational research, with affinity for cellular work. I prefer using a broad range of techniques to tackle a research question from different angles, with an eye for new developments that can be useful for the lab and the project.

In the TiMaScan project I work on several functional assays with subsets of monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells from peripheral blood and cell lines using flow cytometry and fluorescent microscopy for readout. Furthermore, I worked on optimizing the isolation of the different monocyte, macrophage and dendritic cell subsets from peripheral blood. A lot of extensive experiments of this project are a joined group effort in which I really like participating.



I graduated from the HLO Delft specialization Biochemistry. I started working at the department of Immunology at the Erasmus MC (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) on epithelial cells and fibroblasts from human lung tissue using a broad range of techniques (IHC, cell culture, PCR). Subsequently I joined the research group of Prof. F. Staal and switched to more basic research on hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) and T cell development, employing a variety of techniques. I then moved, together with Prof. F. Staal’s group, to LUMC (Department of Immunology). I later went back to the Erasmus MC and joined the group of Prof. dr. Jacques J.M. van Dongen to work on the monocyte/macrophage TiMaScan project. With this research group, in 2016, I moved again to the LUMC.



  • The non-canonical Wnt receptor Ryk regulates hematopoietic stem cell repopulation in part by controlling proliferation and apoptosis.

    Famili F, Perez LG, Naber BA, Noordermeer JN, Fradkin LG, Staal FJ.

    Cell Death Dis. 2016 Nov 24;7(11):e2479.

  • Canonical Wnt signaling regulates hematopoiesis in a dosage-dependent fashion.

    Luis TC, Naber BA, Roozen PP, Brugman MH, de Haas EF, Ghazvini M, Fibbe WE, van Dongen JJ, Fodde R, Staal FJ.

    Cell Stem Cell. 2011 Oct 4;9(4):345-56.

  • Wnt3a nonredundantly controls hematopoietic stem cell function and its deficiency results in complete absence of canonical Wnt signaling.

    Luis TC, Naber BA, Fibbe WE, van Dongen JJ, Staal FJ.

    Blood. 2010 Jul 22;116(3):496-7.


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