Ellen Schrama

Research technician
c.l.m.schrama@lumc.nl +31 (0)71 526 2908


Under supervision of post-doc Dr. Sander de Kivit, I investigate the metabolism of conventional and regulatory T cells following different modes of (co)stimulation. I support PhD students and I also assist in the work of assistant professor Dr. Yanling Xiao in the same group.


Curriculum vitae

I studied histology/cytology at HBO level. I have always been very interested in immunology.

Since 1993, I am working in the department as a research technician. In the group of Prof. Els Goulmy, I worked on the induction of minor histocompatibility antigen HA1 specific cytotoxic T cells. I learned a lot from Dr. Tuna Mutis about cell culture and various immunological assays (immunostainings for FACS and microscopy, ELISA, assays of cell function). During the last six years, I studied the immunomodulation by mesenchymal stem cells (MSC’s) under supervision of Dr. Koen Schepers in the group of Prof. Wim Fibbe. MSC therapy is an evolving therapy to dampen immune responses. In December 2019, I joined the group of Prof. Jannie Borst.


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