Karin Feddes-de Boer

Research technician
k.g.feddes-de_boer@lumc.nl +31 (0)71 526 1216


I will be working for the Eurotransplant Reference Laboratory (ETRL) mainly on the Acceptable mismatch (AM) program.


I studied Biomedical Sciences at the University of Utrecht and graduated in 2009 for the master Immunity & Infection.
During this master I did an internship of 9 months at the Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis (WKZ) dept. of immunotherapy:  ‘Analysis of a peptide-vaccination study of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and Multiple Myeloma (MM) patients’.  After that an internship of 6 months at the LUMC dept. of Infectious Diseases followed:  ‘Host-gene expression profiling in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infected individuals’.

Thereafter I worked as a Research Technician at Crucell on the assessment of vaccine candidates against Tuberculosis and Ebola in pre-clinical animal models.  I continued this work at Janssen Vaccines and Prevention as an Associate Research Scientist coordinating and executing experiments for pre-clinical evaluation of vaccine candidates against HIV and COVID-19 and the underlying mechanisms of VITT syndrome.

In 2024, I joined the ETRL team, working on the Acceptable mismatch (AM) program.



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