Geert Haasnoot

Data scientist


As a biostatistician I apply mathematics, statistics and data to biology. In our team I help my colleagues to finetune their study design, merge data into structured databases, and perform statistical analysis. Afterwards we read and learn from the output, and finally I help them with how to describe the statistical methods and analysis properly in a paper or presentation.

My main task is to analyze Eurotransplant data for continuous monitoring and improvement of solid organ allocation based on histompatibility data. My other interests are HLA and disease association studies, population genetics, and survival analysis in organ transplantation. I am actively involved in developing new histompatibility-based tools for improvement of allocation within Eurotransplant. Currently, I am involved in the development of a user friendly tool (HLA-EMMA) that uses a new algorithm which will help to define immunogenic HLA mismatches based on solvent accessible amino acid mismatches.


Curriculum Vitae

I obtained my Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Mathematics (Bedrijfswiskunde) at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam in 2003. As part of this study, I performed an internship at the Central Bureau for Statistics in Voorburg, and a second internship at the department of Medical Statistics at Leiden University Medical Center.

In 2003 I started working in at the Eurotransplant Reference Laboratory with Prof. Dr. Frans Claas at Leiden University Medical Center as a Biostatistician. Currently I am still working as Biostatistician in the same laboratory under supervision of Dr. Sebastiaan Heidt.


  • HLA-EMMA: A user-friendly tool to analyse HLA class I and class II compatibility on the amino acid level

    Kramer CSM, Koster J, Haasnoot GW, Roelen DL, Claas FHJ, Heidt S.

    HLA: 2020; 96(1):43-51

  • Kidney allocation based on proven acceptable antigens results in superior graft survival in highly sensitized patients

    Heidt S, Haasnoot GW, van Rood JJ, Witvliet MD, Claas FHJ

    Kidney Int: 2018; 93(2):491-500

  • Anti-LGI1 encephalitis is strongly associated with HLA-DR7 and HLA-DRB4

    van Sonderen A, Roelen DL, Stoop JA, Verdijk RM, Haasnoot GW, Thijs RD, Wirtz PW, Schreurs MW, Claas FH, Sillevis Smitt PA, Titulaer MJ

    Ann Neurol: 2017; 81(2):193-198


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