Three Dutch Kidney Foundation grants for Transplant Immunology research group

Researchers from the Transplant Immunology research group of the Department of Immunology have secured three grants from the Dutch Kidney Foundation (DKF) for their research.

Three Dutch Kidney Foundation grants for Transplant Immunology research group

The Dutch multi-centre PROCARE 2.0 consortium, of which dr. Sebastiaan Heidt is one of the work package leaders, received €1.250.000 for in-depth immune profiling of kidney transplant recipients with the aim to guide personalized immunosuppressive medication strategies. Dr. Gonca Karahan received the DKF Kolff Junior Grant of €230.000 to determine the relevance of HLA-specific B cell memory to predict the clinical outcome of highly sensitized patients undergoing desensitization treatment prior to kidney transplantation. Finally, dr. Sebastiaan Heidt received the DKF Innovation Grant of €100.000 to start a new line of research in which precision immunotherapy is developed to target HLA-specific B cells in sensitized patients awaiting an organ transplant.


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