National and international scientists from the field presented work on maternal-fetal immune interactions in healthy and complicated pregnancies. After an introduction by Michael Eikmans (LUMC), the uterine immune system before pregnancy was highlighted by Renate van der Molen (Radboud University, Nijmegen). Immune changes at the first trimester and upon labour onset were outlined by respectively Francesco Colucci (Cambridge University, UK) and Céline Mehats (Institute Cochin, France). Involvement of the immune system in complicated pregnancies, including chronic intervillositis and in recurrent pregnancy loss were discussed by respectively David Williams (University College London) and Marie-Louise van der Hoorn (LUMC, NL). The program was finalized by a talk on multidimensional analysis of the placenta by Juliette Krop. The event was sponsored by the Leiden Institute for Immunology (LIFI) and the Department of Immunology.
Successful Symposium on Reproductive Immunology
On September 6, 2023, the Department of Immunology hosted a symposium on Reproductive Immunology on the occasion of the PhD defence of Juliette Krop at Leiden University, with promotor prof. Frans Claas and copromotores dr. Sebastiaan Heidt and dr. Michael Eikmans.
Reproductive Immunology