Successful Conference on Reproductive Immunology

From October 8 to 11 the European Society for Reproductive Immunology held their biannual conference in the Poortgebouw in Leiden, opposite to the Leiden University Medical Center. The Conference was co-organized by Michael Eikmans (Immunology, LUMC), Marie-Louise van der Hoorn (Gynecology, LUMC), and Renate van der Molen (Medical Immunology, Radboudumc). It featured invited speakers from Europe and the United States.

Successful Conference on Reproductive Immunology

The conference included sessions on new methods in the field, maternal-fetal interactions, transfer of immunity to the fetus, and immunological challenges prior to conception. The role of the immune system was discussed in context of pregnancy-related complications, including implantation failure, recurrent pregnancy loss, pre-term birth, placental inflammation, and pre-eclampsia. Besides 31 excellent talks provided by keynote speakers and other invited speakers, there was much attention for early-career investigators. Out of the 51 abstract presenters, 10 were awarded with a travel grant (sponsored by the European Federation of Immunological Societies), 2 with the Best-Abstract prize (sponsored by the Journal of Reproductive Immunology), and 1 with the Best-Poster prize (sponsored by FEBS OpenBio). The event was subsidized by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and 9 different companies.

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