The conference included sessions on new methods in the field, maternal-fetal interactions, transfer of immunity to the fetus, and immunological challenges prior to conception. The role of the immune system was discussed in context of pregnancy-related complications, including implantation failure, recurrent pregnancy loss, pre-term birth, placental inflammation, and pre-eclampsia. Besides 31 excellent talks provided by keynote speakers and other invited speakers, there was much attention for early-career investigators. Out of the 51 abstract presenters, 10 were awarded with a travel grant (sponsored by the European Federation of Immunological Societies), 2 with the Best-Abstract prize (sponsored by the Journal of Reproductive Immunology), and 1 with the Best-Poster prize (sponsored by FEBS OpenBio). The event was subsidized by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and 9 different companies.
Successful Conference on Reproductive Immunology
From October 8 to 11 the European Society for Reproductive Immunology held their biannual conference in the Poortgebouw in Leiden, opposite to the Leiden University Medical Center. The Conference was co-organized by Michael Eikmans (Immunology, LUMC), Marie-Louise van der Hoorn (Gynecology, LUMC), and Renate van der Molen (Medical Immunology, Radboudumc). It featured invited speakers from Europe and the United States.