Successful Annual Science Retreat of the Department of Immunology

On October 29, the Annual Science Retreat of the Department of Immunology was held at the impressive Naturalis Biodiversity Centre in Leiden. The event provided an excellent and much longed-for opportunity to share data and to meet each other. It was attended by around 115 researchers.

                        Successful Annual Science Retreat of the Department of Immunology

The Retreat was opened by the Head of Department, Prof. Jannie Borst, who emphasized the diversity and interconnectivity of our research groups. Ten representatives of each research group in the Department shared their latest research. Timo Oosenbrug (Group Van der Veen) and Dr. Karin Pike (Group Staal) both won a Presentation Award for their excellent presentations on the role of the RNA sensor LGP2 in ADAR1-driven autoinflammation (Timo) and on lentiviral-based gene therapy to treat Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) (Karin).

We also welcomed three guest speakers from other Departments at the LUMC: Dr. Mirjam van der Burg (Dept. of Pediatrics/Willem-Alexander Children’s Hospital), Dr. Simone Joosten (Dept. of Infectious Diseases) and Prof. Meta Roestenberg (Dept. of Parasitology). We greatly enjoyed their insightful lectures and their presence at the Retreat.

Several researchers in the Department shared their research during a lively Poster Session. The Poster award went to Dr. Indu Khatri (Group Van Dongen) for her work on a population-matched T cell receptor database.

The photos give an impression of this eventful and enjoyable day!


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