The retreat was opened by the Head of Department, Prof. Jannie Borst, and ten representatives of each research group in the department shared their latest research. Elselien Frijlink (Group Borst) won the Presentation Award for her excellent presentation, where she shared her latest data on targeting the CD28 co-stimulatory axis to improve radiotherapy responses. In the afternoon we had a lively Poster Session. This was the first year where posters were visited in groups of 3-5 people and the poster makers had to present their poster. Liseanne van ‘t Hof (Eikmans Group) was awarded the price for the best poster.
We also welcomed two guest speakers from other departments at the LUMC: Prof. Rene Toes (Dept. of Rheumatology) and Prof. Maria Yazdanbakhsh (Dept. of Parasitology). Additionally, Dr. Fiamma Salerno from The Babraham Institute in Cambridge presented her exciting data. We greatly enjoyed the insightful lectures of these three keynote speakers and were excited to have them present at the retreat.
The photos give an impression of this eventful and enjoyable day!