Frits Koning in podcast about celiac disease

The Dutch Association of Coeliac Disease Patients (Nederlandse Coeliakie Vereniging) has invited Prof. Dr. Frits Koning for a podcast, to explain the functioning of the immune system, the role of HLA-DQ2 and answer questions from listeners.

Frits Koning in podcast about celiac disease

Can a parasite, a bacterium or a virus be a trigger for celiac disease? How is it possible that one person reacts with more complaints to an unintentional gluten intake than the other?

As an expert in this field - Frits Koning and his group at the Department of Immunology of the LUMC have performed research on coeliac disease for many years -  he is pre-eminently the person to tell about the new scientific insights.

Click here if you want to listen to the (Dutch) podcast.


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